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I am in the Natural History museum trying to find
my way to the Hall of Human Origins...

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I have already seen the Rose Center for Earth and Space, where earth and space were described with models, photographs, and instructional videos.

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In the Butterfly Conservatory, I saw wings flutter like fragile heartbeats against the glass.

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In the Hayden Big Bang theater, I saw the Big Bang, or what was left of it.

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I was educated in the Dana Education Wing, but learned nothing because my humanity did not allow it.

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My education did not allow me to be educated.

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The Tisch Grand Foyer was grand, but the Starlight Café was NOT lit by stars.

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I lost twenty seconds in the Milstein Hall of Ocean Life. A boy was crying by the shark tank, so I gave him a tissue.

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The Museum Shop was the Museum Shop was the Museum Shop.

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The Small Mammals were near the Moths and kitty-corner
to the Spiders Alive!™ exhibit (closes soon).

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In the Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems, I saw sapphires the size of human heads.

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The sapphires were priceless.

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I tried to discover the Discovery Room, but it was closed for repairs.

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I was very late in recognizing the importance of the Hall of Biodiversity.

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Oh, the Birds of the World were very happy!

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The birds were happy.

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The Ross Hall of Meteorites had a mock-up of a planet-buster behind a barrier post and a red velvet rope.

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I find the Hall of Human Origins, but it is too late for the tour.

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With thanks to:
Hakim El Hattab |
Some photographs supplied by © 2013
The American Museum of Natural History